Sad news, friends. Omnibus is closing.

What happened? We aren’t growing fast enough and would require a significant amount of external funding to proceed and become sustainable. This is a tough business to achieve that within the current landscape.

You’ll be able to read in-app and download your backups until August 21. We’ll send everyone a few reminders via email.

For our team: I’d like to personally thank Ernest, Jon and Andrey who helped create everything you’ve been using. We made a good run of it and moved quite a few mountains with a tiny team! I hope you all are as proud as I am.

We have a lot of thanks to give too! We couldn’t have gotten here without:

  • The publishers that took a chance on us
  • The mind-blowingly talented creators whose work we sell
  • Chris and Aaron at the Oblivion Bar Podcast, our besties and brothers. Thanks for the positive vibes, friendship and funny text threads (Aaron, you’re a dirty bird).
  • Brad and Lisa at Comic Book Couples Counseling have been integral to spreading the word.
  • Lorelei at Image, thanks for being the first to give us a shot and all the advice and help!
  • Finally, to our customers and fans: Thank you for supporting us! Your feedback, kind words and participation mean the world to us.

For our super supporters: Since every publisher doesn't allow PDF backups, we’re going to be processing as many refunds as we can for our super fans. If you spent more than $100 on comics please: Request a Refund

Comics are rad. Thanks again for your support,
Travis & Team Omnibus ✌️